Buyer tips! Looking for ways to get a great deal on that handful of clothes you just picked up? Here's how!
1. Make an offer! - While not everyone is willing to accept offers on their items, it never hurts to ask. Picking up multiple items can help increase your 'discount', as many sellers love to see someone walking away with a bagful of items! It is important, however, to offer a reasonable amount. Don't pick up $20 worth of items and offer $10. The prices are very low to begin with. A good rule of thumb is to offer a minimum of 75% to 80% of the value of the items you have picked up.
2. Be reasonable - Sellers will probably not take $10 on an item marked for $50. Be reasonable in your offers. Sellers may want the items gone, but may not be willing to sell their items for pittance! You might get that $50 item for $35-$40 though... remember to be reasonable. If this item cost the seller $250 and they are asking $50 that is a huge bargain for what you would have to pay for that item.
3. Leave your number! - If you see an item you want but the seller won't come down on their price, leave your name, phone number, and price you are willing to pay. Tell them if they don't sell it and accept your price to call you and you'll come get it!
4. Bring small bills - Banks will gladly change larger bills for smaller ones, but many moms will run out of $1s, $5s and even change when they have to make change for bigger bills.
5. Greet Sellers - While there are many moms who sell at Mom 2 Mom sales regularly, there are also first time moms who may be nervous about selling. Engaging the seller, new or experienced, you show them that you are interested in what they have and may entice them to make you a better deal.
6. Negotiating Price - You've seen something you want but the price is a little high for your budget. You make an offer but the seller refuses. Please keep in mind that sellers are moms just like you and may have a specific price in mind. If you really want the item, consider the price the seller is asking. While part of the fun of Mom2Mom Sales may be the bargaining, sellers can feel "forced" to sell an item when negotiations become too aggressive. Whether you are dealing with a first time seller or an experienced seller, they have priced their items based on what they paid and the perceived value. Just as we communicate to sellers to be respectful of their customers, please show that same respect to sellers.
1. Make an offer! - While not everyone is willing to accept offers on their items, it never hurts to ask. Picking up multiple items can help increase your 'discount', as many sellers love to see someone walking away with a bagful of items! It is important, however, to offer a reasonable amount. Don't pick up $20 worth of items and offer $10. The prices are very low to begin with. A good rule of thumb is to offer a minimum of 75% to 80% of the value of the items you have picked up.
2. Be reasonable - Sellers will probably not take $10 on an item marked for $50. Be reasonable in your offers. Sellers may want the items gone, but may not be willing to sell their items for pittance! You might get that $50 item for $35-$40 though... remember to be reasonable. If this item cost the seller $250 and they are asking $50 that is a huge bargain for what you would have to pay for that item.
3. Leave your number! - If you see an item you want but the seller won't come down on their price, leave your name, phone number, and price you are willing to pay. Tell them if they don't sell it and accept your price to call you and you'll come get it!
4. Bring small bills - Banks will gladly change larger bills for smaller ones, but many moms will run out of $1s, $5s and even change when they have to make change for bigger bills.
5. Greet Sellers - While there are many moms who sell at Mom 2 Mom sales regularly, there are also first time moms who may be nervous about selling. Engaging the seller, new or experienced, you show them that you are interested in what they have and may entice them to make you a better deal.
6. Negotiating Price - You've seen something you want but the price is a little high for your budget. You make an offer but the seller refuses. Please keep in mind that sellers are moms just like you and may have a specific price in mind. If you really want the item, consider the price the seller is asking. While part of the fun of Mom2Mom Sales may be the bargaining, sellers can feel "forced" to sell an item when negotiations become too aggressive. Whether you are dealing with a first time seller or an experienced seller, they have priced their items based on what they paid and the perceived value. Just as we communicate to sellers to be respectful of their customers, please show that same respect to sellers.